Friday, August 31, 2018

Welcome Back!

It's great to be back! 

Your first graders rock! They didn't waste anytime getting back into the swing of things. They were ready to take off and learn. They went to Chapel, Spanish, Music and PE. They learned about how God created the world in 7 days, reviewed some math concepts from last year, wrote about Amelia Earhart, African Elephants, and read and answered some comprehension questions on Gus the dog. They even started Social Studies. THEY WORKED SUPER HARD! 

Here is what's coming up this next week: 

  • NO SCHOOL MONDAY! Have a great 3 day weekend! 
  • Homework starts Tuesday 
  • Behavior Calendar starts Tuesday 
  • Lunch Parents start Tuesday 
    • Here is the schedule I have: 
      • Monday: still open 
      • Tuesday: Tami O.           Substitute: Kristi
      • Wednesday: Kristie G. 
      • Thursday: Erik R. 
      • Friday: Brett and Evann H. and Derek J.
Blessings on your weekend! 

Miss. Closner 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


We had a great first day!

Went to chapel, covered a lot of procedures, drew some pictures, asked the teacher some questions. It was nonstop!

a few more reminders:

  • The Seesaw app invite went out. Please make sure to do that. 
  • Please sign and return computer usage forms. They were emailed this summer. Hard copies will go out tomorrow in Homework Folders. 
  • Please be mindful of allergies. Lunch starts tomorrow.

let me know if you have any other questions. 


Miss. Closner